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What is Title I?

Making It Happen


What is Title 1?

Title I programs are federally funded instruction that is in addition to core reading and math classes for students who are struggling to meet the state standards.  The federal government gives funds to South Carolina through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) to divide among school districts based on their percentage of low-income families and participating schools.  C. A. Johnson High School uses its Title I funds for students to operate supplemental programs in reading and math. 

Title I coordinates services with other educational services and, to the degree possible, with health and social services programs.  Title I provides greater decision-making authority and flexibility within schools for teachers, requiring greater responsibility for student performance. 

Title I Participation

C.A. Johnson High School is continually monitoring the implementation of the Title I plans. If you would like to participate on the Title I planning team, call 803-253-7092.

Schoolwide Title 1 Programs

C. A. Johnson High School exceeds the 40% poverty level, so we operate Schoolwide Title I programs during the 2023-2024 school year.  Funds are used to improve core instruction and provide supplemental reading instruction.

The ultimate goal of schoolwide programs is the success of all students through effective instruction while offering additional remediation to eligible, struggling students.  All students are considered for extra help, with a major emphasis being placed on good core instruction, not just pullout or push-in support.     

Components of a School-wide Program

  • A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school was conducted using a variety of data.
  • School-wide reform strategies are established to provide opportunities for all children to meet the state’s performance standards.
  • Instructions are conducted by properly certified staff.
  • Professional development is conducted on an on-going basis throughout the school year.
  • Parent & Family Engagement activities are conducted to increase parent participation.
  • Plans are included to provide transitional assistance from pre-school to elementary, from elementary to Jr high school, and from Jr high school to high school.
  • Measures are taken to include teachers in assessment decisions.
  • Support services and additional academic assistance are provided to ensure students master academic standards and/or meet academic requirements on state exams.