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School-Parent Compact

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School Parent Compact 24-25

School-Parent Compact

The school-parent compact outlines how parents, school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement, and the way in which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State’s high standards. 

C. A. Johnson High School holds multiple family and curriculum nights to discuss Title I, curriculum and the home-school connection. Flyers are sent home, website announcements are posted on school and district sites, and newsletter articles are published to keep you updated about district and school parent meetings this year.  

C.A. Johnson High School holds multiple family and curriculum nights to discuss Title I, curriculum and the home-school connection. Flyers are sent home, website announcements are posted on school and district sites, and newsletter articles are published to keep you updated about district and school parent meetings this year.

How Can Your Voice Be Heard?

Parent suggestions are welcomed at the school, district and state levels because programs should reflect your child and family’s needs.  You are a stakeholder in the educational process and should be heard to collaborate with program development and foster mutual understanding.  At all three levels the goals are increasing student achievement and parent involvement.

At the school level, you can participate in Title I Nights, curriculum nights, and become a member of the Title I Planning Team, as well as be a member of the PTSA and School Improvement Council. 

At the district level you can join other Title I school representatives on the Richland District One Advisory Council (PAC) which meets four times a year. This committee is charged with increasing the district’s capacity to raise parent involvement in Title I schools and brainstorm district-level activities to support this goal. 

Title I District Parent Advisory Council

Parent Involvement is important for student achievement and the success of Title I programs. All parents are invited to attend the Title I Parent Advisory Council meetings. There are two meetings a year. Reminders are listed on the district calendar and in the school newsletters. Dates and times rotate to accommodate all parents. At the PAC meeting, parents are given the opportunity to:

  • Determine Title I program goals
  • Plan, implement and evaluate Tile I programs
  • Revise the Parent Involvement Policy and Compact
  • Attend Parent Involvement conferences and build capacity
  • Support parent leaders who share information with and obtain ideas from other families
  • Develop student awareness that families views are represented in school decisions

 For additional information, contact Dr. Debra Knight  or call (803) 231-6820.

Title I Planning

School-Parent Compact & Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Parent Feedback


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If you are unable to respond online, please contact the

Parent and Family Engagement Specialist:

Leslie-Ann Jones Email:

Phone Number: (803) 743-7612