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Parents Right to Know

Parents Right to Know

Parents receive notification letters when their children receive Title I services and are taught by a non-highly certified teacher for four or more weeks consecutively. We encourage parents to participate in the educational process and communicate frequently with teachers to help develop strong home-school relationships with core and Title I teachers. 

Schools will notify parents and guardians in writing when their child has been instructed by a non-highly qualified teacher for four or more weeks. 

Federal law allows you to ask for the following information about your child’s classroom teachers and requires the district to give you this information in a timely manner:

  • whether the teacher is certified to teach the subjects and/or grade levels the teacher is teaching,
  • whether the teacher’s certificate is a waiver or substandard certificate,
  • the teacher’s academic major, graduate degrees, if any, and
  • the teacher’s certification area. 

Title I law requires a district to reserve 1% of its federal funds for parent involvement activities. These funds are spent in a variety of ways, with your input. Every Title I school is given an allocation to increase its capacity of parent and family participation. 


Description & Explanation of Curriculum, Forms of Academic Assessment, and Proficiency Levels Students Are Expected to Meet

C. A. Johnson High School provides a high-quality curriculum based upon the South Carolina Curriculum Standards. This curriculum has been approved by the South Carolina Board of Education and adopted by Richland School District One County School District Three Board of Trustees. Textbooks used in classrooms have been reviewed by a committee of teachers and adopted and endorsed by the State Department of Education. Specific educational programs in each school are targeted to meet the identified needs of the children in the school. 

Richland School District One administers a variety of standardized assessments for its students.  State assessments measure student performance by state standards.   Based upon requirements of EASA Guidelines

Beginning in tenth grade, state standardized assessments are given to students to measure student performance by state standards.  Additionally, to monitor student progress throughout the year, students are given EOC exams, teacher-prepared assessments and/or textbook-provided assessments.