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Family Engagement Policy

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24-25 Family Engagement Policy

Family and Community Engagement Policy 

C.A. Johnson High School receives input from parents about the development of a parent and family engagement policy and a school-parent compact.  If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact    Mrs. Leslie-Ann Jones, Parent Engagement Specialist.   She can be reached at:  Email:, Phone Number: (803) 743-7612. 

The parent and family engagement policy explains how the school plans to work with parents to review and improve parent programs and describes how parents can participate in planning these programs.   These documents are parent-friendly documents with a shared vision for student success through collaboration, engaging activities, and evaluation of goals.

C. A. Johnson High School holds multiple family and curriculum nights to discuss Title I, curriculum and the home-school connection. Flyers are sent home, website announcements are posted on school and district sites, and newsletter articles are published to keep you updated about district and school parent meetings this year.

Title I Planning

School-Parent Compact & Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Parent Feedback

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C. A. Johnson High School  

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If you are unable to respond online, please contact the

Parent and Family Engagement Specialist:

Leslie-Ann Jones Email:

Phone Number: (803) 743-7612