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C.A. Johnson High School Counseling Program Mission Statement
C.A. Johnson High School Counselor program strives to be a proactive program that meets the academic, personal/social, and career needs of all students through collaborative and cooperative relationships with the school, families and community stakeholders. The program's ultimate goal is for students to master the competencies necessary for all students to become productive abiding citizens of our society, makers of self-directed decisions, and life-long acquirers of knowledge.  The South Carolina Comprehensive Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program Model. 

Office Hours

Extended and/or alternative office hours are available by request.  

Enrollment/Withdrawal Hours:  10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 

To ensure the availability of departmental staff, please schedule appointments by either calling or emailing the individual with whom you are interested in meeting. Unscheduled visits are discouraged.  

Excelling and Exceeding Expectations

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