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Athletic Eligibility Rules


Richland One Additional Safety Measures for High School Football Games

-          No one will be admitted to the game after half time. 

-          Entry gates will close at the end of halftime. 

-          Concession stands will close at the end of the third quarter. 

-          No one will be allowed to stand, congregate or “hang out” on the concourse or around the concession stand during the game. Spectators must remain seated except when going to the restroom or to concessions stands. 

-          Face coverings that completely cover a person’s face are not allowed.

 Richland One also has a clear bag policy for spectators, and law enforcement officers and private security officers are on duty at all of the high school football games.  In addition, other safety and security protocols may be considered as we proceed through this fall football season.



South Carolina High School League and Richland County School District 1 

In order to participate in interscholastic activities, a student must meet both SCHSL and RCSD1 requirements. SCHSL requirements include:

1.             Age limitations

2.             Birth certification

3.             Academic requirements

4.             Residency rule

5.             Guardianship

6.             Amateur status 

Each of these requirements is listed in the High School League Handbook. All middle and high schools in the District are full members of the SCHSL ( The League establishes the rules and regulations governing athletic contests for member schools. The League is governed by the rules and regulation published in its “Handbook”. This handbook contains the League’s Constitution and all other rules and regulations of governance. All coaches must be thoroughly familiar with these rules and regulations. The coach is responsible for properly administering all rules governing his or her particular sport. The school athletic director is responsible for making sure all coaches under his/her supervision properly adhere to all League rules. These regulations include age of contestants, eligibility, official dates for start of practices, game standards, officials, etc. 

In addition to the above eligibility requirements, a student may participate in a school-sponsored co-curricular activity only if (1) the student is currently enrolled in at least one-half of the minimum academic course load, and (2) the student was in attendance at school that day for at least one-half of the instructional day.



The “C” Average Policy (adopted January, 2000 and revised June, 2000) requires, that as a condition for participation in competitive co-curricular activities, students in grades 6-12 must have a 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) in all courses in which the student was enrolled in the preceding semester.

School personnel should become familiar with the complete policy and administrative rule at Another resource is the “C” Average Policy Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) brochure that answers policy and rule questions pertaining to transfer students, special education students, academic assistance programs, appeals, summer school grades, etc. Eligibility of students in the programs for special education students will be in accordance with local, state and federal guidelines.



According to SCHSL rules, each school will keep on file, a duplicate copy of all submitted eligibility forms, a parent’s permission/Concussion record (See Forms) properly filled out and a physical form properly completed by a licensed doctor of medicine or a nurse practitioner in a written collaboration with a licensed medical doctor or a certified physician’s assistant  in  a written collaboration with a licensed medical doctor. 

Special Form A must be sent to the League Office on each transfer who has not been enrolled in his or he school or feeder school for at least one calendar year. The  League  Office  must  approve all transfer forms before the student is submitted on a Certificate of Eligibility. 





In accordance with the regulations of the SCHSL, prior to participation in interscholastic practice/competition, a student will undergo a physical examination and be approved for interscholastic practice/competition by a medical authority licensed to perform a physical examination. 

Prior to each subsequent year of participation, a student will furnish a physical form signed by a medical authority licensed to perform a physical examination, which provides clearance for continued participation.  Physicals for the current school year must be dated April 1st of the current year in order to meet the yearly requirement. The school in which the student is enrolled must have on file a physical form signed by a medical authority licensed to give a physical examination, certifying that his/her physical condition is adequate for the activity or activities in which s/he participates. 

To resume participation following an illness and/or injury serious enough to require medical care by a doctor, a participating student must present to school officials, a physician’s written release. 

Required forms: 

1.       A pre-participation physical is required before participation, including practice time.

2.       Parent Permission and Acknowledgement of Risk for Son or Daughter to Participate in Athletics section /Concussion information. These forms must            be signed by student and parent.

3.       Students must purchase the district’s athletics insurance prior to trying-out for a team. If a student is cut from the team, the insurance premium                will be refunded to the parents/guardians. If a student makes the team and name is submitted on the SCSHL’s Certificate of Eligibility, the                        insurance premium will not be refunded if the student quits, or is dismissed from the team, or transfers to another district.